art editing

An example of art editing
for a German text book.
Click on each page, or piece of
final art for a larger image

back-up pages 2 back-up pages 1 marked-up manuscript 2 marked-up manuscript 1

Back-up images with add.
instructions to artist(2)

Back-up images with add.
instructions to artist(1)

Marked-up manuscript;
my instructions to artist

Raw manuscript; supplied
by author/editorial

final art

Final art

Published in:
Neue Horizonte, 7th ed,
Houghton Mifflin Co.

Rendered by Mark Heng

An example of art editing
for a Math text book.
Click on each page, or piece of
final art for a larger image

marked-up manuscript 1 marked-up manuscript 2

Raw manuscript; supplied
by author/editorial

Marked-up manuscript;
my instructions to
artist and back-up images

final art

Final art
Published in:
Narasimhan, College Algrebra
and Trigonometry, first ed.
Houghton Mifflin Co.

Rendered by Maria Sas

An example of art editing
for a Math text book.
Click on each page, or piece of
final art for a larger image

marked-up manuscript 1 marked-up manuscript 2 back-up page

Raw manuscript; supplied
by author/editorial

Marked-up manuscript;
my instructions to artist

Back-up images with add.
instructions to artist

final art

Final art
Published in:
Narasimhan, College Algrebra
and Trigonometry, first ed.
Houghton Mifflin Co.

Rendered by Maria Sas